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Student attendance is a cooperative effort and the School Board involves parents and students in accepting the responsibility for good attendance. Each parent/guardian or person having control or charge of a child within the compulsory attendance age is responsible for such child's regular and punctual attendance at school as required under provisions of the law. All parents/guardians should inform the school regarding all absences. Absences for which the school receives no information are considered unexcused. Excused and unexcused absences are defined in the Parent/Student Handbook that is published annually at the beginning of each school year.

Excused absences include but are not limited to: student illness, death or serious illness of a family member, doctor, dentist or therapist appointments, pre-approved travel for family emergencies or vacation, subpoenas for court, and religious observances.  Unexcused absences include but are not limited to the following: missed school buses, oversleeping, recreational activities, child care issues, transportation issues.

A reasonable effort shall be made to contact a parent/guardian of each absent student every day, and to obtain an explanation for the student’s absence. Parents of students who are absent must provide a valid note, send an email to the school, or call the school and state the reason for the absence upon returning to school or at least within 5 days of the first day absent. Unexcused absences shall be handled according to regulations issued by the superintendent (see Policy JED-R).

A student is allowed up to ten parent/guardian “excused absence” notes. Upon the tenth absence that is excused by the parent/guardian without third party documentation (doctor, dentist, therapist, etc.), a documented reasonable effort of contact by the principal or designee, will be made either by telephone, email, postal mail, school conference or home visit. The principal will require that any subsequent absences will need third party documentation in order to be excused. All absences not properly documented will be considered unexcused, and the unexcused absences policy and regulations will be implemented.

- Upon the fifth unexcused absence - The principal or principal’s designee will require an in-person or over the phone meeting with the parent or guardian and student to create a plan for improving the student’s attendance.

- Upon additional absences - If the pupil is absent for more than one additional day and a school attendance plan has been adopted, a documented reasonable effort of contact by the school principal or principal’s designee with the student’s parent/guardian will be made to conference with the pupil, the pupil’s parent and school personnel by either telephone, email, postal mail, school meeting or home visit. Such conference may include the attendance officer and other community service providers to resolve issues related to the pupil’s nonattendance.

Students shall attend school for a full day unless otherwise excused. All other exceptions to a full day schedule must be approved on an individual basis by the superintendent or designee.

View the Division's Attendance Policies Below: